The Writers and Poets Network |
Publishers Helping Writers Get Published and Get Paid |
The Writers and Poets Network |
Publishers Helping Writers Get Published and Get Paid |
Today, there are dozens of national magazines and publications that buy poetry, including some of the highest circulated magazines in the world. Some of the top publications that feature poems in each issue are Ladies Home Journal, the Globe and Cosmopolitan, as an example.
Some publications publish poems that are meaningful and introspective, while others publish poems about the lighter side of life, to appeal to their readership. The good news for poets and writers is that there are currently many magazines and publications that will buy your poems and publish your poetry. If you'd like to sell your poems and get your poetry published, a great way to start is to visit a bookstore or newsstand and go through the current magazines, digests and other publications to get a good idea which magazines publish poetry, and the type of poetry they publish. |
When you review their writers guidelines, see what type of poems they're buying and how much they pay per poem.
Check to see if the publishers will accept multiple submissions, or if they prefer poets and writers to submit one poem at a time. When you submit your poetry, you can usually do this right on the website of the publisher.
Some publications may prefer you to e-mail your poems, but either way, always be professional with your submissions. Make sure to address your poems to the proper contact person at the magazine, such as the poetry editor. Literary Agents recommend that writers put their best foot forward when submitting material, which means submitting one or two of your best poems, to give yourself the best chance of getting published. |
Once you've made your list of the specific magazines, journals, digests and publications that currently publish the type of poetry that you write, check out the writer's guidelines for each publication, which are usually listed on the websites of each publication or publisher.
If you're interested in selling in your poems, the key to success is knowing which publishers and which publications are currently looking for poems to publish. Each month, our editors list the magazines, publications, digests and specific poetry publishers that are currently looking for new, original poems, and we'll send you the current list of publishers looking for new, original poems. ---------------------------------------------------- |
PUBLISH YOUR POETRYThe Mountainview Poetry Review and Digest is Now Reviewing Poems for Publishing ConsiderationWriters are invited to submit one original poem for free review by our editors,
for publishing consideration in The Mountainview Poetry Review and Digest. |
Free Publisher's Success Secrets for Writers & Poets
Top Publishers and Editors Share the Inside-Secrets of Getting Published with New Writers and Poets
Let top book-publishers and magazine-editors show you the fastest and easiest ways to get your writing published, and get you paid for what you write.
Poetry Publisher Now Reviewing Poems for Publishing Consideration
Writers are invited to submit one original poem for free review by our editors,
for publishing consideration in The New Contemporary Poetry Journal. |
Get Paid For Every Poem You Write
Submit Your Poems to Top-Paying Poetry Publishers
Can You Write Words for Songs?
Lyric-writers can earn songwriting royalties for many years from just one hit song-lyric, and many of today's top Recording Artists and Music Producers need new, original song-lyrics for recording. If you write song-lyrics, we'll send you two (2) FREE Songwriting Gifts: How to Sell Your Songs, Poems and Lyrics and How to Write Song-Lyrics for Recording Artists! |
2 Free Poetry-Writing Gifts
Enter Poetry Contests and Publish Your Poems |
Publishers Success Secrets for Writers
Top Publishers & Editors Help You Get Published |
Earn Money Writing Greeting Cards
Get Paid to Write Greeting Cards from Home |